Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- Illustrated Edition

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  • Code: 9786180140217

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"The Lord of Darkness is alone, without friends, abandoned by his followers. His slave remained chained for twelve years. "Tonight, before midnight, his slave will be released and will be reunited with his master." After a huge magical accident, Harry Potter pops it out of the Dursley house and gets on the Knights' Bus, sure of the severe punishment that awaits him. Only the Ministry of Magic has far more serious problems to deal with at the moment; the notorious prisoner and devoted follower of Lord Voldemort, Sirius Black, has escaped from Azkaban prison.

Rumors have it that Harry is being chased and the Minister of Magic instructs the Insane of Azkaban to guard the magic school, with their weapon the scary kiss that sucks the souls of their would-be victims. In the third year of his studies at Hogwarts, Harry is haunted by dark rumors and omens of death, as he discovers new facts about his past and comes face to face with one of the Dark Lord's most loyal servants.

The long-awaited, illustrated edition of the third book of the classic series by J. Rowling overflows with magical images created by award-winning Jim Kay with a technique that combines colors, pencils and pixels.


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